Thursday, December 29, 2016


"Did you see how small my pile of gifts is? I barely have any gifts to open."

How often is my focus similar to that of a child's? How I look only at what I "Do NOT" have, rather than focusing on the blessing and beauty of ALL I DO have. How Gods heart breaks when He hears the ungrateful heart attitude I have. How He longs for me to shift my focus onto the blessings and off of what I feel is missing or lacking, or even maybe what I feel I would have to work too hard for or strive too long for.

God open our eyes and shift their focus onto ALL that we DO have from your loving hands and off of what we feel is missing or lacking in the gifts we have been given.

YOU have given us SO much! Above all, you've given us the gift of your precious son! And through Him, the gift of Life and Grace! Thank You! In Jesus name, amen!