Sunday, March 30, 2014

Punishing winds to guide or to grow

Running is my time. It's my time with God. It's my time to be quiet. Something neither I, nor those around me, do very often. When I'm quiet, I can hear Him. And I purposely ask Him to speak to me when I"m on a run. I love how He answers prayers.

Do you ever feel like you're being punished? Like God is against you? Like everything is "going wrong"? Do you ever feel like you are hitting wall after wall? Sometimes adversity is for our gain and can strengthen us and draw us nearer to God and teach us perseverance; grow us. Yet, other times, adversity may be from God Himself and not for our growth, but instead for our awareness and hopefully to alert us of where we are going "off course". So I'll ask you today to read with discernment of what I share into your own situation--what type of adversity are you facing today? Is it for your growth or for your warning to guide you in His ways rather than you own?

I know He's spoken this to my heart before, but today it was another reminder. When I ran with the wind, it was as if it pushed me on, led me, guided it was FOR me. Yet, with the rain pelting me in my face and the harsh early spring wind wildly punishing my body, it was as if the exact opposite happened when I turned. The wind, the rain, the hills, it ALL was against me. Or, was it that I had turned the wrong way? See, I believe what God was asking me to do was to talk to Him and examine myself. He was asking me to examine my heart, my mind, my motives, my actions, my words. He was leading me to ask, "God, in what ways am I turned from you? In what areas of my heart and mind am I going AGAINST you instead of running WITH you?"

So, today, my prayer is that we can ask that question together. That we can ask God to reveal to us in what areas of our lives we are turned from Him and ask Him to give us the wisdom and strength to turn back and go His way, to run with Him! Are your punishing winds guiding you or growing you? Maybe you just need to "turn around" in some areas of your life so that you aren't facing the punishing winds at all:)



Thursday, March 20, 2014

The "quiet time" guilt lie - I'll take my loud times

I used to "struggle" with this so often... but then God gently spoke to my heart and reminded me that He is in every aspect of my life, in my mundane and ordinary and in every moment I can find Him and be reminded of His words without sometimes putting that pressure on myself to "work" at it or feel like if I don't find that "quiet time" that I'm somehow missing Him. I don't say that to mean it isn't valuable to try to find quiet times or spend consistent time studying His word but when it becomes a source of frustration or something that makes me feel like I failed because I didn't find or keep it or spend actual "quiet/uninterrupted" time...then I think quite possibly I'm missing the point... like I've missed Him altogether in what He longs for creating with me.
Especially as a busy mom with young kids it can be so difficult to find that quiet time. So I've found it vital for myself to seek Him in the dishes, in the tantrums, in the late nights and early mornings and in the craziness of life too:)

I've also been finding especially in my new family of 6 household that speaking Gods word is not only powerful and life altering for myself, but it has had to become such am integral part of my everyday language with my children! One verse in particular we have been using quite frequently is "A gentle answer turns AWAY wrath. a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1 all I have I say is THANK you Proverbs!! My mouth is changed because of your reminders and my children's little lips are being shaped by your reminders too!

God's quiet times with me are often rather loud lately:) and to be honest, I wouldn't want it any other way! At the end of the day am I utterly exhausted and sometimes overwhelmed by the day that just flew by me like a fart out of a bean filled gut? (Was that potty humor at its finest or what?! Didn't I tell you I spend my day with kids?! Fair warning for next time!) Well yes I am. But I'm spent as well as filled to the brim and overflowing with joy and stories and love and hugs and cuddles and kisses and "I love you!"-s that could just cause me to burst!!

So, you have your quiet times! I'll take my loud times with God:)