Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Apple butter

6 lbs. apples – peeled, cored, and sliced (I used Gala)
1.5  cups water
1.5  cups sugar
2  cups brown sugar
1  tbsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp. ground cloves
1 tsp. nutmeg
.5 tsp allspice

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Neighborhood football games, Jesus and once over lightly eggs...

Lately my amazing hubster has been slightly obsessed with the Growth Mindset.

He happily responded to our oldest daughters words of encouragement to her little sis the other night, "keep trying" with his own, "That's great Seana, that's right when we can't do something the first time we just have to keep working at it!"

So, Sadie keeps trying to leap the whole distance between the sofas and after a few try's she successfully lands on the opposite sofa instead of in the gap. Happily Daddy comes around the corner, "Wait a minute, you mean to tell me that at first you couldn't do it but you kept working at it and now you can do it? Wow!"

It's his new favorite approach to life and faith. Kind of the old nothing comes natural to nobody thought! We all have to work at things to be successful, to achieve and to overcome.

Recently Sean and I talked about how this approach and mindset could really make such a huge difference for many lives of those walking with God but then give up or give in when things get tough or they feel they've failed or they feel they'll never be able to overcome a certain sin or struggle. When we take a step back and recognize that living for God takes practice and when we accept that and are okay essentially with "failures" and viewing them, instead of failures, as opportunities to improve, grow, mature, learn and be challenged it changed us! It changes our outlook! And that can change our whole course!

Recently I read a short devotional by Max Lucado and he talked about how as a kid there were many neighborhood football games after school and most of the time he ended up on the losing team. He said one of the dads would get home from work and all the kids would be begging him to come play football. He was a huge guy and a football lover so he would willingly join and would kindly ask which team was losing so he could join it. Max said when this guy entered the huddle it was like a whole new game.
     "He was confident, strong and most of all, he had a plan"
Max goes on to say how God is like this for us! He says they didn't need a new play but a new plan and player. I was thinking about how a good leader and team captain would not desert his team after a loss or mistake/failure. Instead, a good team leader would support, encourage, lead and guide his player to improve and he would give opportunity or learning and growth! This is Christ for us! He lovingly stands by us through our trials, faults and failures and allows us to learn and grow and He helps us along the way!

Tonight I started thinking about how I stink so bad at making once over lightly eggs. I asked myself why is it that I just cannot make them like some people all pretty and perfect. I wondered if it I because I don't like them myself so I therefore make less of them in my lifetime... Or is it because there is pretty much not a way to mess up scrambled eggs, ha ha! I do think it mostly comes down to my lack of practice and experience. Here is where the growth mindset comes in...

Psalm 116:6 says, "When I was helpless, He saved me!" Max shared this verse at the beginning of his devotional. And how fitting! When we are humbly willing to recognize and accept that we, at times, and in certain areas of our lives and our walk with Him are helpless, we can give ourselves the opportunity to grow! And not just areas we are helpless, but also areas and times in our lives when we may falter, fail, struggle, or wander aimlessly. He is there as a supportive team captain, ready to guide and teach and offer us opportunities to develop as team players! Benching or sidelining us, He knows would do us no good... So, why do we so often sideline ourselves?

Tonight, if you're struggling or feeling like you have that one area of weakness spiritually that just can't be defeated or overcome...put yourself back in the game with an assurance, hope and joy that He wants you in the game! He believes in you and your ability to grow and overcome!

I'm gonna keep working at those once over lightly eggs;) will you keep walking out your faith despite the struggle?

So much love and prayers,