Lets get real a moment... Everyone wants to just feel good in their own skin and be healthy. Don't you? I know I do! But beyond feeling and looking good we have to go deeper, we have to strive for something bigger. I have to recognize something that is a life changing belief. I am building Him a temple.
I can't tell you how many times people have asked me, "how do you do it?"... in regards to how I stay fit and trim after having several kids. In a moment, I'm going to go there and tell you how I do it. But before I do, let me just get really raw with you for a moment. It's unhelpful to hear things like, "do you ever eat?" and, "I just am so glad to finally see you eating something!", and "Are you anorexic or something?" or, "Are you doing okay, you are so skinny!". And if you're sitting there reading this realizing you're one of those who have said those unhelpful things to me, please realize you're not the only one. I can't tell you how many times I've heard comments like this.
Because I tend to be naturally more of a slender build, even as a child, I heard grown-ups asking me (a child, sheesh, shame on grown-ups who ask a child this, sorry but seriously shame on you) if I was anorexic and calling me a bean pole or such. Just like being called fat or a blob or chubby can be damaging, being asked if you're anorexic over and over again can be quite damaging to self concept and self worth and healthy thoughts, as well. These words are difficult and they do hurt. They hurt me especially as I've grown into an adult because I work very hard to care for my body in a way that not only makes me look healthy and trim, but honors God with healthy eating, healthy mindset and healthy exercise habits so that I also
feel healthy and trim. I view my body not as
my temple, but as
His temple. I'm building Him a temple. It's where my God, the Holy Spirit, will live and indwell me. So I do work at keeping it in working order. I strive to honor and please God in my body. I will be honest and say I have failed at times and through seasons, but I continually strive to be true to this pursuit. In the past I've worked at achieving "thin" not for me or for God but for others and for what I thought the standard was in others eyes. For me, it's taken a lot to change those unhealthy thoughts and mindset and reasons behind the me I am. I'll address that in my next post, but for now...
Here are my secrets to a healthy trim after baby body...
First of all, I am a busy wife and mom. I don't have time to go to the gym and because of our decision for me to work very little, relying on one income, we don't have money to send any of us to a gym either. Not that I'm complaining. I actually really prefer nature as my gym. As the anxiety prone crazy that I am, I find fresh air and beautiful scenery to be healing and vision directing. When I direct my vision to Him and His creation and turn my heart to praise I am filled rather than emptied!
Our body is not our temple, but His. And I'm the one He has entrusted to building Him a temple.
That thought is humbling. Have you ever recognized that before? He believes in you and YOUR ability to build HIM a dwelling place!!
So, the steps I take in creating a healthy place for Him to reside are:
1. Devoting myself to Him--loving, serving and knowing Him more each day. This actually drives me to pursue health and wholeness like no other thing.
2. Working with my hands. I move, I create and I do. I am an active mom, I involve myself in running, playing and laughing like it's nobody's business!
3. I find time that is convenient and simply fits me, my style, my passions and my desires. For me, I like tone more than weight as my gage for being happy in my own skin. I like having tone thighs so I'll share one personal example of my exercises. Keeping in mind that whatever "exercise" I do, I ALWAYS do 3 repetitions of however many I can do in the first set. So, for example, I literally do my workout most mornings while I am blow-drying my hair. Am I abnormal? I don't really freaking care what you think haha! It works for me! It's when I can fit it into my day and my routine. So, I might do 75 squats, then I stretch in between reps. Stretching helps create space in your muscles and eases tension and I just love stretching and becoming more flexible for my joint health. So, then after stretching I do another set of 75, stretch again, and one final set of 75. Remember, this is simply what works for me. One day I might be able to do 75 but the next day I can only do 50 each and that is OKAY!! However, my goal is always to increase my amounts over time. I also might do a "workout" 2-3 times per week one week, but next week might just be super busy and my "workouts" are more like mowing the lawn or catching one 4 mile run or something.
4. Getting that belly tone. Another goal after having kids has been keeping a firm and strong abdomen. I do this by doing what I call a full body Kegel. Tightening the muscles from the bottom up through the belly button like a zipper. And again, with these I do 3 reps of however long I can hold this muscle tightening. So, for example I might be able to hold this for 15 seconds until I feel a solid burn. Then I lay on my belly and do the banana stretch and again another 15 second Kegel, stretch, and the third rep again and stretch.
5. Eating healthy. I don't overeat but I also don't under-eat. I do what works for me. I try to have healthy "go to" snacks that are crunchy, like carrots. For my own health issues I have had to cut out a lot of sugars and rarely eat yeast containing foods which cuts out sadly a lot of carbs because please know I LOVE my carbs, but cutting sugars and carbs is a HUGE way to lose weight and not so good for someone needing to keep some healthy weight on. Drinking water rather than other drinks. Eating several smaller healthy meals throughout the day rather than 3 big meals. Not snacking too much after dinner. I don't have a set of rules for myself and I don't think anyone should in particular because when you begin "breaking the rules" it's all about guilt and shame then instead of simply knowing you want to be healthy. Being healthy physically is also keeping yourself healthy mentally and emotionally so don't set unrealistic goals or expectations on yourself, just strive to honor God alone and in that know that when you make choices that are not going to build a healthy space for Him you simply can continue growing and learning and sacrificing to be more whole and healthy. He knows us, He created us, He loves us! He knows we are growing and learning and He is happy to see us when we choose to keep on keeping on!