The other night he did it.
He said that thing that struck that chord.
But I held my breath and my tongue and waited and purposed in my heart to hear him out.
And then I did it.
I said that thing that was in my heart.
But not right away.
I said a quick prayer in my heart that I purposed this year to do each time I am tempted to be led by emotions rather than truth.
And I invited God into my emotions and my response.
And something pretty neat happened.
I voiced my heart in calmness and poise, but in truth.
Back the story up... I said some harsh words and admitted right away I meant them to be harsh so he could see how his words have lately been toward me (that was wise and godly right?!--NOT!) so then he entered the room and shut the door behind him. UH OH!
Then he said it.
The root.
And so I listened and determined a solution to uprooting that root and instead finding healthy water to grow the tree of our marriage stronger.
So with honesty and communication we both chose instead of not recognizing or admitting a root to bring it from darkness into light.
But not only that, we then also spoke in controlled ways and decided that action had to be taken to remove unhealthy weed roots and action had to be taken to water our relationship so not only weed out the bad but also water in the good in its place!!
Bottom line, I will let you guess about what we discussed! In marriage there are many times when disagreement and hurt can damage the relationship... But we have coined the saying we may fight hard but we will ALWAYS choose to love harder!
Questions to ask yourself today:
-What weeds need removed from our hearts and lives in order to make room for healthier roots to thrive?
-What ways can we water our marriage tree?
-Have I invited God into my emotional responses?
-Have I committed to ALWAYS LOVE HARDER?
-Have I not only communicated my needs/desires but also taken time to brainstorm a root and a solution?
Ephesians 4:31-32New Living Translation (NLT)
31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.
Praying God is involved in our marriages today in a new way!
Blessings friends!
If you read and appreciated this post today would you be willing to send me some marriage topics you would like hearing more about to help grow your marriage tree stronger?! If you read marriage blogs from husband and wife perspective what would you appreciate growing more understanding in?! Thanks so much in advance!
If you read and appreciated this post today would you be willing to send me some marriage topics you would like hearing more about to help grow your marriage tree stronger?! If you read marriage blogs from husband and wife perspective what would you appreciate growing more understanding in?! Thanks so much in advance!