Monday, December 22, 2014

Analogies To Life In A Jog 11/30/2009

1. When we focus too much on the large goal or the whole task at hand or the big picture of our situation rather than just focusing on reaching a small attainable goal we can easily get overwhelmed, frustrated, downhearted, fearful, and feel like a failure or like giving up which then makes us a failure. For example, I hadn't jogged in over a month and my legs were tired, my lungs were burning, and my body was fatigued within the first half mile. I felt like giving up, or at the least just taking a "rest". I thought to myself, "I'll never make it three laps around and get home and be able to jog the whole time". But, as these thoughts came to mind I quickly changed my PERSPECTIVE and began focusing on small attainable goals, like simply making it to the next road sign. AMAZINGLY, before you knew it I had reached it and was able to then set my sights on the next sign, and the next, until I was making my last lap and home! unbelievable:) 

2. When I was jogging I was getting easily distracted from the "path". Whenever I took my eyes off the path for even just a moment to glance to the left or right I found myself swirving and hitting potholes. As Christians we need to make it our goal to please Him whether His eyes are on us or not! We need to keep our eyes straight ahead, not getting distracted. The only way to keep from hitting potholes is to keep looking ahead and be consistently in HIS Word! 

3. Sometimes we get overwhelmed, frustrated or this life gets tough if we let the trials of llife become too much and we believe the lies that if we just "take a break" or that its ok to just slip up on little issues and in that sense "take a break from following His path" for even just a moment...but just like in jogging, once you "slow down" or "take a break" its all the harder to get back up to speed and or "catch up" with those on the path or also to make it to the finish on a good time. So-don't let up in your Walk with God...keep going-even when it hurts! 

4. You're not always perfect, but you should get better as you keep on practicing and don't give up when the going gets tough:)

5. Sometimes you get blisters when you wear new shoes, but eventually you build calluses. Just like when you begin peeling back the layers of sin in your life sometimes it hurts at first and it's difficult, but as you keep going through the pain, eventually you are stronger and you are better for it! 

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