Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Year, New Goals

Each new year for the past five years we take time as a family to sit and discuss goals individual and family goals for the coming year. It’s so important to take time to truly reflect on the past year, the ups and the downs, the accomplishments and the failures, the trials and the triumphs.

This past week, as I sat with God on what He has for me this coming year I felt Him saying this is a year of paths. There are two paths we can take in this life; one is broad and leads to destruction. The other is narrow and leads to LIFE! I felt God asking me to follow Him onto the path of LIFE! Not just the eternal sense of that passage, but the very minute and small moment to moment sense of the passage. I felt Him asking me to be conscious of choosing my path wisely in the mundane and in the moments. See, each decision we make, whether large or small, steers us into one of those paths. When we are rude, unfaithful, faithless, say or think things that aren’t praise worthy, when we become harsh and hard hearted, when we choose in small ways to leave the narrow way over time we carve out ruts that lead us deeper into a path that has led us into sin or at the very least a path of lesser good and lesser value to our good.

I want God to take the reigns and lead my life. That is going to mean taking every opportunity and every circumstance as a chance to CHOOSE!

I choose which path I am walking down and not just in the eternal sense, but also in the moments. I want to choose the path of LIFE-abundant life!

So I want to leave you with the same question I asked my kids and husband last night...

What goal do you have for 2019? In what ways will you choose the narrow path this year?

May we choose our path eternally as well as making the most of every opportunity too!

